Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's the end!

1 exam down, 2 to go. After today, Travis has no more exams at all. After our Anthro exam today, we are finally going to ride the chairlift to the top of the mountain. I feel like time has gone by so fast. I can't wait to get back, see my family and friends and relax in our new Knoxville home! This year is looking like it will be amazing. On the other hand, I will miss being in this beautiful place with my best friend. When we leave Innsbruck, we won't get to spend time together until September. I just keep reminding myself that in 10 months we will never have to do this long distance stuff again!! Thanks so much for following our adventures here--we loved sharing them with you. When I get home, and have a camera cord again, I'll put the best pictures up here for you to see! -Rachel

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for this "being apart" stuff to be over too! I'm so happy that you had such an amazing trip in Europe. You're a seasoned traveler! Post pictures ASAP! I love you!
